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Wednesday, February 12, 2014


  • Promotes the flow of urine.
  • In disease of the uterus.
  • In liver complaints, inflamed urethra, bronchitis and dysentery.
  • For sore throat.
  • Can be used to apply to gangrenous, painless ulcers and infectious boils.
  • It is an antiseptic used for scabies and toothache.
  • As a coolant in fever and regulates urinary disorders.
  • Purifies blood checks vomiting and used for asthma.
  • For malnutrition and general weakness.
  • The decoction of the root promotes flow of urine, and is used in the disease of the uterus. It is given also in liver complaints, bronchitis and dysentery. The infusion of the young roots is used as gargles for sore throat.
  • The freshly tapped juice of the flower stalks is recommended for constipation. The same juice mixed with rice flour, gently heated is applied to gangrenous and painless ulcers and to infections by boils.
  • The ash of the bark and the stem id antiseptic. It is used for scabies and toothache.
  • The jelly of the tender coconut is used for sore throat in children. It is recommended also for intestinal inflammations.
  • The water of the young coconut is cooling, is useful in fever and regulates urinary disorders. It purifies blood and checks vomiting. The milk of the coconut is one of the best remedies to cause wrinkles to disappear. It is calmative, promotes flow of urine, gentle laxative and purifies the blood. For asthma, it is recommended to take every morning and evening 2 or 3 teaspoons of coconut milk, followed by a cup of watercress tea. This milk is recommended for malnutrition and general weakness.
  • Water of the ripe coconut promotes flow of urine.
  • The kernel of the ripe coconut is excellent fro the expulsion of worms such as tapeworms. The kernel should be gated, in a dose of 2 tablespoons, followed by a dose of castor oil.
  • The pulp of the tender coconut is used for piles and the oil obtained from the nut is used for pain caused to piles.
  • The infusion of the flowers, mixed with honey, is good for respiratory problems.
      The whole plant. roots by decoction, bark made into ash and flowers in infusion.

Hot infusion: Pour boiling water over the collected herb, steep for 15 minutes and strain. this method is used for flower  and leaves to make a tea of use away. It could also be used for powdered bark, root, seed, or resin and also for bruised nuts,seeds, bark, or buds.
Cold Infusion: Steep a cold water for several hours, and use.
Decoction: Here is hard parts of the plants such as twigs, root, barks, rhizomes, berries and some seeds are gently simmered for about 30 minutes in water so as to release their properties. Strain before use.
Normal Dosage
For Fresh herb or plant twenty grams are used for one liter of water. if a dried herb are used the amount of plant material should ten grams
For Adults: 4 or 5 cups a day
       Children: Aged 10 to 15 years 3 to 4 cups a day
                      Aged 6 to 9 years 2 cups a day
                      Aged 2 to 5 years 1 cups a day
                      1 to 2 years: 1/2 cups a day
                      Below 1 year: 1/4 or less cup a day
Excessive use of the water of tender coconut may cause painful or difficult urination. Desiccated coconut is not suitable for medicinal purposes.


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