- As an
appetizer;helps to cure leprosy;is a carninative or an agent for expelling
gases,flatulence and griping pains from the stomach and bowels;used as a
tonic-gives tone and vitality of the body;checks haemorrhoids or a mass of
dilated veins in the swollen tissue near the anal sphincter;to expel
worms,dyspepsia or indigestion,discomfort or pain,ascites or the
accumulation of liquid in the abdominal cavity,enlargement of liver,and
emaciation or overall weakness.
- Skin
diseases with itching,oedema or swelling,rheumatic and paralytic
- Ophthalmia
or eye problems,scabies and leucoderma.
- The
decoction of the root will take care of all the disorders listed in part
one of Medicinal use.
- The
juice of the root is mixed with coconut oil and applied externally to take
care of skin diseases with itching,oedema and rheumatic and paralytic
- The
watery latex applied externally will take care of ophthalmia,scabies and
The root and latex of the plant.
Hot infusion: Pour boiling water over the collected
herb, steep for 15 minutes and strain. this method is used for flower and
leaves to make a tea of use away. It could also be used for powdered bark,
root, seed, or resin and also for bruised nuts,seeds, bark, or buds.
Cold Infusion: Steep
a cold water for several hours, and use.
Decoction: Here is hard parts of the plants such as
twigs, root, barks, rhizomes, berries and some seeds are gently simmered for
about 30 minutes in water so as to release their properties. Strain before use.
Normal Dosage
For Fresh herb or plant twenty grams are used for one liter of
water. if a dried herb are used the amount of plant material should ten grams
For Adults: 4 or 5 cups a day
Children: Aged 10 to 15 years 3 to 4
cups a day
Aged 6 to 9 years 2 cups a day
Aged 2 to 5 years 1 cups a day
1 to 2 years: 1/2 cups a day
Below 1 year: 1/4 or less cup a day